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A guide to our fees
Exceptional Tutors aim to provide the balance between affordable tuition for our students and a fair wage for our tutors.
Exact charge will depend on tutor expertise, availability and travelling distance; we will take this into consideration and discuss options with you prior to allocating a tutor.
Key Stage 2 & 3 £25 - £35
CEM 11+ tuition £25 - £35
GCSE £30 - £40
AS & A2 £35 - £50
Undergraduate £40 - £70
Group tuition £10 - £20 per student
Life Skills £20 - £40
Study Skills £30
Research Skills £35
CV formatting £50 - £75
Note: Fees are based on one hour time lessons.
Would you like to pay in advance using BACS? Simple.
Contact the office and they will provide Exceptional Tutors' bank details along side your invoice.
Please note: Use the student's name & date as a reference.
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